Monday 25 April 2011

Sucker Punch (2011)

Went to the cinema with my Father-in-Law to be, as I go to the cinema a lot I let him choose, he decided to go with something I had not seen, so we went to see Sucker Punch. I was unsure about this film the trailer was not to clear how this film would work. I have to say that visually like all of Zack Snyder's film's it was stunning, the fight scenes and special effects are awesome.

However within 20 minutes of seeing this film I had a couple of ideas how it would have worked so much better, if the opening scene was moved to the end, if the start of the film was about 10 minutes later with the priest, that will make sense to those that have seen it. I think the ending would have had much more impact, the cross over of Fantasy and real life would have been a more awesome to me than the actual end.

Because of the scenes of awesome and the visual effects i am going to give the film 2 stars, the story just did not work for me, the performances worked and cannot fault the actresses within the film.

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